Loop Tour

Coasting Six Rivers

Loop 2 - July 20 - 28, 2024

The Mid-Valley Bicycle Club Loop Tour is an annual nine day cycling & camping tour in Oregon and sometimes elsewhere in the Northwest region.  The first Loop Tour was held in 1976, see history.looptour.org, and it has taken place nearly every year since. 

For 2024 we are staying close to home with a loop south and to the coast from Corvallis.

View the unveiling  presentation

Registration is now open to fill remaining spots.  When a tour is full you can still add your name to the waitlist.

Go Here for Loop Tour 2 Registration

Six Rivers and Three Lakes

Please refer to the document: notices.looptour.org for additional information about the tour, registration, priority levels and fees.

Read the Participant Guide at guide.looptour.org for lots of useful and important information about the tour.  Gear and equipment SAG is available.